- Manual Potentiometer Control
- Linear Taper
- Panel Mount
- Low Cost
Manual Control Potentiometer with 0-100% scale with 6.0' leads
SKU: POT-10K-K-S-6.0
Additional Information:
Resistance - 10K Ohms
Resistance Tolerance - +/- 10%
Linearity - 3%
Power Rating - 5W @ 25°C, 4W @ 55°C, derated to no load @ 105°C
Mechanical Rotation - 300° w/o switch
Effective Rotation - 280° +/-5°
Rotational Torque - 3/4 to 6 in. oz. (54 - 432 gf-cm)
Voltage Rating:
Bushing to Terminals:
High-Pot / 1 Minute = 1kVac
Operating Maximum = 500Vdc
Across End Terminals:
350Vdc Maximum, Load no to Exceed Wattage Rating
Operating Temperature - -30°C to +85°C